my hair loss + regrowth.

No one can prepare you for rapid (mostly) unplanned hair loss.

However, i’m here to share my experience in hopes that it helps you faster than it did me. Based on my experience from my first pregnancy, I knew that my hair was going to start falling out around around three months postpartum. I didn’t plan on changing anything because it wasn’t that bad nor did it last long, so I figured i’d just push through.

What I didn’t plan on though, was our whole family getting our first round of covid a month or so after my postpartum hair initially started falling out and me losing double the amount at an even quicker pace.

Couple those two things with the amount of stress that hit of just how much I was losing and how quickly I was losing it without it regrowing, and I had a trifecta of disaster with hair loss. (If you didn’t know, stress can affect hair loss which I was experiencing).

I quickly went to google because I knew there had to be products on the market to promote hair regrowth. I found a company that promised regrowth with some pretty incredible success stories with photos and I purchased those products faster than I could even finish reading reviews. I snagged shampoo, hair serum and an aerosol dry shampoo. I used them for a couple months and saw regrowth happening so fast which THRILLED me. However, not too long after, I started noticing thinning again and then I noticed a pattern of headaches coming back after eliminating my chronic migraines years prior. I stopped use of the product and sadly my hair started falling out all over again. I was quite disappointed because that meant i’d have to use their product indefinitely to get the hair regrowth I was hoping for.

I decided to go to my tried and trues from young living and was kind of kicking myself for not upping the game on those products before because in my desperation to feel better five years prior, their products worked to reverse my immunity, so why wouldn’t they work again in another area of need? Decided to test out the products and document the journey. Shocked yet again at how well they work.

I’m not into brand bashing, so I won’t list the product line I tried off my google search nor will you see their brand name in any photos. I’m happy to discuss more privately if you’re curious. I was just most shocked at how quickly their products worked giving me results but also at how much MORE I lost when I stopped using it. Here’s the thing, that DOESN’T happen when you’re using natural, chemical free products because they work WITH your body’s natural patterns, not AGAINST. I learned that there’s not much you can do to stop it from falling out, but there are things you can do to help it regrow faster and sustainably!

Here are the products I used *almost daily —

  • dry shampoo — cocoa powder (just because I have dark hair, you can eliminate if this isn’t a big deal to you), arrowroot powder, young living rosemary essential oil, young living cedarwood essential oil, young living lavender oil. massage into dry roots.

  • hair spray — water, oung living rosemary essential oil, young living cedarwood essential oil, young living lavender oil. massage into wet/damp roots after showering.

  • ningxia + sulfurzyme + inner beauty collagen + mineral essence — all mixed together in a yummy afternoon bevvy. these are all supplements made by young living that benefit hair regrowth and whole body supplementation to help in areas that we need more support as well as helping to kick those afternoon sleepies and brain fog.

you can shop any of the above mentioned young living products here. code shareyl gets you 10% off and add them to your first loyalty order for further discounts.