fridge catch all one pan dinner.

We’re going to make this short and sweet because those are the kind of recipes I like to read + prepare. I’m so glad that ‘jump to recipe’ button was created for food bloggers because truly, if I have to scroll for a million minutes to get to the nuts and bolts of a recipe, i’m just not going to make it, ya feel?

This recipe is a weekly staple in our house and appropriately named because that’s how it came to be — grabbing all the veggies leftover that went unused throughout the week and thrown together with a meat. If i’m on top of my game for the day, I prep it all during my kids afternoon rest times so all I have to do in the hardest hour of the day for every parent ever, is just put the pan in the oven, which takes two seconds.

For this dinner we used leftover: zucchini, sweet potato, red onion, red pepper all paired with aidells pineapple bacon sausage. First things first, wash the veggies. We use the young living fruit and veggie soak. It’s an easy button for me that I know is chemical free for what’s going in our bodies. Fun Fact: did you know that by not only rinsing but also scrubbing, you can reduce up to 90% of the microbial load on the surface of your fruits and veggies?

We dice up all our veggies and meat then place them side by side in one pan. *Pro tip: when cutting onion, fully open an essential oil bottle of spice — thieves, clove or cinnamon — letting it sit next to the cutting board and let it work it’s magic of keeping those eyes dry!

When you’re ready to bake, drizzle some avocado oil over the whole pan and add your spices on top! We typically do a simple combination of sea salt, garlic powder, pepper and our kids love cinnamon on the sweet potatoes! (I don’t use extra virgin olive oil anymore to cook with at high temperatures because it will oxidize when heated since it is a monosaturated fat which creates free radicals in the body….you don’t want. Instead we opt for coconut oil or avocado oil which is shown here). My fav bamboo and glass spice jars linked here.

Bake at 400 for 40 minutes or until potatoes are soft & enjoy!

If you need ideas, here are some ingredient options we love: peppers, carrots, zucchini, yellow squash, broccoli, red potatoes, sweet potatoes, yellow onion, red onion, brussel sprouts, butternut squash, asparagus.