how life coaching, mentorship, and network marketing changed my life.

Do you know who you are? CAN YOU Make sense of AND ARTICULATE your life story? ARE YOU DOING work that fulfills your purpose AND NOT JUST WORKING FOR SOMEONE ELSES DREAM LIFE?


I was told my whole life growing up that I was a leader and I was caring of others and somehow the work i’d do would reflect that. Fast forward to freshman year of college and I thought i’d go into nutrition because my parents always cared about a healthy food + exercise lifestyle when I was growing up so it was an avenue that naturally intrigued me to help others in. My college didn’t have a great program for it so I was then told that I’d make a great nurse and I decided to declare as a nursing major. I made it two years through all of my chemistry courses as well as anatomy + physiology courses before changing majors after I had visited my grandpa in the hospital where I got nauseous and weak knowing I couldn’t stomach that environment. I went to the next degree that fit with ‘helping people’…social work. I would go on to graduate with a degree in human services with a focus in nonprofit management.

I worked right out of college with a nonprofit that was founded out of the govenors’s office for children and families to help women and girls get safety + help from sex trafficking in the state of Georgia. I did a lot of the intake and let me just say how brutal and awful the stories were that would come through. If you don’t think sex trafficking happens where you live, you are absolutely wrong. I ended up leaving that job after a short while due to the emotional strain it and long commute I had.

After this job, I hopped around to 6 other jobs in all different fields over the course of the next three years trying to figure out what was the perfect convergence of my gifts and talents with something I enjoyed too. Those jobs included: an ear nose and throat office, a women’s boutique store manager, a florist in the wedding industry, a wedding stylist, a yoga studio manager, and a nanny.

I was clueless what it was I supposed to do. Every job I left I felt more confused and frustrated. I knew I was great at admin but I hated sitting at a desk or in an office. I also knew I was super creative and loved utilizing that part of my brain and body too, but I didn’t love the creative job hustle or working for someone else’s dream and vision. I quickly figured out the things I DIDN’T want to do, but I had no idea what it was that I was DESIGNED to do. Work that left me feeling fulfilled and also that impacted the world. Work where there was high enjoyment and high value.

Was that some kind of unicorn job that didn’t actually exist? I mean was work to actually even be enjoyed or was it just something everyone does to pay bills that they suffer through? I had to believe there was something more, but I felt lost. Ironically enough, at the time I was also suffering from terrible health. I was chronically sick every single month with something that would land me on meds and down with debilitating migraines. Looking back I see so clearly how my inner life that was in turmoil was negatively affecting my physical life.

Enter life coaching, mentoring and young living BACK IN 2015.

I text a trusted older woman in my life who I admired and asked if she’d meet with me weekly to help me process things. She happily agreed. I also had a friend creating a life coaching program at that same time who asked me to go through it as a guinea pig course and I also happily agreed. Lastly, a friend reached out asking if I wanted to try some essential oils because my ‘viral’ infection of 4 months just wasn’t going away and I was very publicly miserable on my instagram. I had nothing to lose. I dove into all three areas. Little did I know that my life was about to drastically change. Things at that time only my dreams were made of.

My life changed so drastically by these things, that I went on to get certified as a coach in that same coaching curriculum I went through. I also joined young living as a brand partner and now those two have meshed together for me through my business Mend and Mae. It’s my purpose and work to help you find healing and freedom. To help you understand and articulate your story. To help you name your unique call and purpose. To help you live your life and not envy others lives. To help you earn an income from where you want to work. To help you not spend your life trading time for dollars at the expense of someone else’s vision and dream. To help you create a life of healthy sustainable rhythms. To help you heal internally and therefore, externally.

So 5 years later, and i’m here to tell you that the life, the work, the freedom you dream of, is just a couple steps away from where you are right now. Life is hard and there are parts of work that we won’t always love, but work that pays you and leaves you fulfilled at the end of the day, does in fact exist for you. You do not have to aimlessly float through life wondering what it is that you are actually meant to do in this world or work a job that you don’t love because you think you’re supposed to. You can be confident in who you are and what you are purposed to do.

Let’s dream a new dream, together. Let me help coach you to discover your uniqueness and launch you into work that fulfills your purpose. Or join me in young living so you can have side income that helps fuel other dreams in your life, gives you an outlet through the thick of motherhood while also happens to be willable income you can pass to your kids or just helps you feel a part of something.

Don’t suffer silently. YOU are valuable and have something that no one else does. Do you know what that is? Let’s discover it.

p.s.- take note of your past pain points because they often become your future passions.